"A natural birth stems from the mind set of allowing the body to do what it is divinely programmed to do. There are ways to naturally and organically support the Mother's body through pregnancy and child birth."
~Meg Richter
If you din't get a chance to read the previous Blog 'What BIRTH TYPE Should You Choose?', this may be a great time to catch up...as the story continues below ❤
Second question:
2. How will I handle the constant challenge of pregnancy?
As I mentioned, the physical changes a woman experiences, especially with the first pregnancy, is daunting. I agree we are all different ~shapes, sizes, statures, health regimens, mind-sets, etc. Pregnancy, even subsequent ones, can offer an array of challenges. With my first pregnancy I had a few.
I had 2 challenges outside of the normal weight gain, swelling, & exhaustion ~I was waking up from sleep with major Charlie Horse cramps in my calves.
There was one particular afternoon at around 3 months prego that Omar and I went to have lunch at his Mom’s house. We were talking in the kitchen and next thing you know I’m feeling dizzy. I faint and Omar catches me. He sits me gently on the floor and thus begins how I will handle my challenges with pregnancy.
He goes into his Mother’s pantry and brings back Rescue Remedy. It is a combination remedy of Bach flower remedies intended to reduce stress from shock, trauma, pain or confusion. Omar also gave me a dose of Chamomilla; a Homeopathic remedy. He and his family had previously introduced me to Homeopathics, but it was still new to me. I gladly listened and learned about both: Homeopathy and Bach flowers.
I needed to end those night time charlie horse cramps that were so harsh I was jumping out of bed in pain. The cure: Magnesium. My Mother In Law suggested a product called Natural Vitality Calm. I tried it and ah-ha, it worked! Like a charm.
I will use Homeopathy & Natural Healing to support my pregnant body.
The subject of Homeopathy is one that I have continued to study. It never ceases to amaze me how many new nuances I learn and find with it either. As a teenager in the '90's Chemistry was a required class for graduation in which I got a C. It was very confusing to me. I did not understand what chemistry really was. I was a romantic so I in the very least knew it did have to do with people and their attraction to one another, but other than that, I was lost. Studying Homeopathics out of a desire to treat myself and my pregnant body as wholesomely as possible has taught me immensely about chemistry.
I am not intending to explain what Homeopathics
are in great detail, I ask that you take the time to
research them. There are a lot of credible sites.
I use the book titled "Homeopathy at Home" by
Maesimund B. Panos, M.D. & Jane Heimlich.
It gives an overview of the history of Homeopathy
and an explanation of the principles along with
several descriptions of ailments and remedies
best used for them.
homeopathyworks.com is the website for Washington
Homeopathics since 1873. We have used their products.
Boiron is another company we have used for
homeopathic remedies.
In my subsequent pregnancies I used Homeopathy and
Bach Flowers more often. As a result I myself was more
relaxed which helped Omar be and feel more relaxed. Of
course there were challenges and we had to exercise other
tricks of the "staying calm" trade, but I can speak from experience
the homeopathic remedies worked with my body so much better than things like
Excedrine, Tylenol, Advil, etc. Before 2008 I used those to help with headaches, body aches and stress. But they did not help me in the end. They were a masking of the symptoms. To cultivate true health you have to get to the root. Homeopathy supports your body and helps actually heal the root cause.
I will talk more about Homeopathics and how we use them and figure out which one's to use as we continue to share through this blog. I started using them 11 years ago and have never turned back. I hope that you take it upon yourself to learn more about them. One great aspect of Homeopathics is they are completely safe. You could take an entire container full of them and have no adverse effects. It is safe for babies and animals too!
It is highly recommended by Doctors that you use natural remedies during pregnancy and nursing. Homeopathy is a perfect solution.
I wish you well on your journey.
imagine Excellence Blog #4 What is my POSTPARTUM plan?
with much love ~ Peace & Blessings