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Writer's pictureMeghan Richter

Homeopathics for a Nasty Cold/Flu

Updated: Feb 8, 2020

The toughest night is the one where one or more of my boys are sick. Coughing, sore throat, stuffy or runny nose ~ Any of those symptoms kept you or your Loves awake? I know how you feel and hopefully one of these Remedies below will work for you.

Our family was struck with a bad Cold/Flu; all 6 of us got a version of it. I had to keep a child home on our 1 day a week community day with Classical Conversations. (We home school and that one day is a saving grace for me; I want to attend all 24 weeks!)

We typically keep our immune systems boosted with Prebiotics, Probiotics & Vitamin C, but somehow we did get the germ that had been swooping through our town.

I'm sure every Parent can confirm that when you're child is complaining because they are not well, you do have more compassion than when it's over insignificant things. It doesn't mean it's easier to withstand and it is just as draining, if not more.

What can I do for them?

What is safe but works?

please click the word above to read about what Homeopathy is

In the book Homeopathic Medicine At Home by Maesimund B Panos, M.D. and Jane Heimlich, they talk extensively about Homeopathy, how it works, how it was researched and

created and they also go into a considerable amount of

information about each remedy. Most remedies work

for more than just one ailment. I highly recommend this

addition to your home resources. I have been able to

figure every sickness in our household using this book.

It lives in the Kitchen with the Cook books!

Because we are committed & know they work,

we buy & have many remedies on hand.

Doing this will help you be able to try different remedies.

Hepar Sulphur is what some say the "go to" for coughs & sore throats. And it is. However, in some cases you can take the remedy & feel no difference, relief, or support. My experience & knowledge I've learned is that when you find the right remedy you will feel it working within 4-6 hours of taking the remedy.

Homeopathics work WITH the body & supports it's natural way of fighting off the germ. It does not mask symptoms. You will feel better because you are being supported & because your body is in the releasing state.

If there is no change within 24 hours you need a different remedy.


*Disclaimer: My husband and his family have used Homeopathy for 40+ years. We are not physicians and cannot claim a formal education. We have had many years of experience and simply want to share what we have learned and what we did. Please research for yourself.


This is how we solve the mystery of 'Which Remedy is Right?'

If the child is old enough to answer direct questions about how they are feeling we go through those types of questions and begin to look through the book above to find the remedy that best describes their symptoms. Otherwise we observe and listen to the child as they cough, sneeze, wheeze, breathe, etc.

Using our Homeopathic Medicine At Home guide is the FIRST STEP.

From there we can begin to try one (remedy) and wait for results.


(Some towns are lucky to have Homeopathic Doctors that you can take your child to just like mainstream Doctors. In which case you would omit this above practice. But for those of you hoping to learn about them and use them on your own without the need of a professional, it IS possible and IS being done by others. I began this blog to show others that they too can learn about Homeopathy and begin to use them with no assistance. They are safe.)


Chapter 6 in Homeopathic Medicine At Home : How to Prevent and Treat Colds, Coughs, and Earaches is some of my favorite pages of the book.

Here is the opening paragraphs verbatim:

Colds, coughs, and earaches frequently occur at the same time. The "common cold" is an upper respiratory viral infection that affects nasal passages and throat. A cough is an attempt to clear the air passages of irritating mucus. Since the lining of the throat is continuous with that of the Eustachian tube to the ear, swelling and discomfort often extend from the throat into the ears.

Homeopathy can help all of these conditions, including flu (influenza), a viral infection that is more severe than a cold. Looking through the group of remedies listed in each section, you may wonder at the duplication. For example, Belladonna and Pulsatilla are indicated for colds, coughs, and earaches. This is so because these conditions present so many of the same symptoms, and, as you know, a remedy is prescribed on the basis of symptoms rather than on the so-called disease. Whether the problem is bacterial infection or congestion of the throat or earache, the medicine that most closely matches your symptoms will shorten the course of the ailment and prevent any serious consequences.


Here is a list of Remedies that we have found work great for a nasty Cold / Flu

I have paraphrased the book. For full details on these remedies and more, add Homeopathic Medicine At Home to your library.

Aconite first sign of a cold/onset of cold(sneezing,coughing/sore throat)

Antimonium Tartaricum cough with gasping for breathe / better sitting up for sleep

Belladonna burning hot / dry teasing cough

Chamomilla oversensitivity, patient intolerant of pain / relentless cough

Ferrum Phospherous low-grade fever along with cough

Gelsenium low-energy, lethargic, achy

Hepar Sulphuris loose, rattling, croupy cough / splinter pain in back of throat

Natrum Muriaticum watery, egg white nasal discharge / stuffy nasal / headache

Pulsatilla thick, yellow discharge / nasal stuffy indoors - loose outside

Our family was just not getting over the cough portion of the cold and my husband & I were losing sleep. 3 out of our 4 boys had 1-2 nights of coughing & not being able to get comfortable. Sound familiar?

I went to my local Whole Foods first thing in the morning after the 2nd night of no sleep. I recalled a combination remedy that I could make myself if I could buy all 3 remedy's.

And those remedies are:

Aconitum napellus

(fear, anxiety & restlessness; acute sudden fever, influenza/colds with congestion & headaches)

Spongia tosta

(For croupy cough)

Hepar Sulphur

(Cough/sore throat, croup, abscesses, earaches)

I put equal amounts of each remedy into a clean remedy bottle and shook them up!

Now I have the combination remedy


This combo helped every one of us kick that cough to the curb!

After 6 hours of taking it the coughs had gotten 50% better. 24 hours later the coughs were almost completely gone & 48 hours later it was totally gone.

I recently talked to a friend who brought up essential oils as an alternative. I have only used Tea Tree oil, but have heard Peppermint is great for relieving fevers.

We shared a bit & it was brought to my attention that Homeopathics & EO's both work the same in this way:

You have to give regular doses. Typically I will give myself or my child 2 to 3 remedies at one time every 15-30 minutes at the onset of symptoms. I am not sure what the doses of Essential Oils are, but it's a similar process. If you give the remedies at regular intervals consistently you will bear tremendous results. If you forget, then you will start over.

Be diligent, consistent & don't forget to pray!

We utilize all of what God has given us. We feel blessed to know about Homeopathics & have easy access to them. We are also very spiritual people & believe in the healing power of prayer. We combine these and live happily among the challenges.


imagine Excellence Blog #8 What is a Hemangioma Birthmark? / How we treated Freedom's excessively large "Heman"


much love ~ Peace & Blessings

bonus material


I wanted to share another paragraph from the book Homeopathic Medicine At Home on


Coughing is an effective way of keeping foreign matter out of the delicate air passages. The presence of an irritant such as bacteria, dust, or pollen in the lower parts of the respiratory system stimulates the production of mucus, which coats and flushes out the undesirable material. Such a cough will sound "juicy," telling you that there is something down there to be coughed up. Do not suppress your cough with any form of cough medicine. By doing so, you are blocking the protective mechanism of the body that is trying to expel the mucus to prevent a deeper infection.

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