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Writer's pictureMeghan Richter

Blog #4 What is my POSTPARTUM Plan?

Updated: Jan 14, 2020

"Mainstream medicines were masking the symptoms. To cultivate true health you have to get to the root. Homeopathy supports your body and helps actually heal the root cause."

~Meg Richter

If you din't get a chance to read the previous 2 Blogs 'What BIRTH TYPE Should You Choose?' & 'How will I support my Pregnant Body?', this may be a great time to catch the story continues below ❤

Third question:

3. What is my postpartum plan?

The journey of learning about different birth types (outside of water or bed), becoming aware of alternative medicines and ways to handle your body’s health and proceeding to embark upon this holistic path was exciting, scary, and nerve-wracking yet enlightening. Now I had to think about the moment our baby arrives and how I will be taking care of him. Will I nurse him? Bottle feed? Use cloth diapers? Pampers? Be a working Mom or stay-at-home? The list of questions to answer for a postpartum plan was beginning to get longer and longer. Being a “stay-at-home” Mom was something I DID think about as a girl and had planned on it. I wholeheartedly wanted to. Financially, I didn’t think we could afford it. But as crazy as this may seem, this question was almost one of the easiest. It was harder for me to understand all of the other decisions we would be making.

Like ~ How do I deal with my emotions? Weight loss? How do I eat the right things if I do nurse? And even much more complex will we Vaccinate? Will we circumcise? How will we handle comments from others if they disagree with our choices?

The amazing thing is we had a tremendous support group. Omar’s parents made these same empowered decisions 30 years earlier and had nothing but success after success. They had 7 home births, none of which included any medical intervention of any kind, no shots or vaccinations for any of the kids’ lives and they chose to not circumcise. They used nothing but Homeopathics, essential oils and other natural remedies to raise all 7 kids all throughout the 1980’s and 90’s when these choices were looked at as faux pas’.

We felt fortunate to have a supportive family and the help we need. I could easily see how I was going to be able to manage the potential pitfalls of Postpartum.

We now had a picture of what our plan would be

I will use Bach Flowers & Homeopathy within my Postpartum plan.

Postpartum plan:

Stay at home with our baby

Nurse our baby until 1 year old (no solid foods)

Use Homeopathy for me & baby

No vaccines

No shots or boosters, etc

No circumcision

Omar and I were able to feel at ease now that we had a solid framework to make the best decisions.


"Bach Flowers work in harmony with herbs, homeopathy and medications and are safe for everyone. Including children, pregnant women, pets, the elderly and even plants."

This is directly from along with a short summary of what Dr. Edward Bach discovered to be true about flowers in nature. "They have the ability to affect our emotions positively. The energies from different flowers can remove our emotional pains and suffering, which over time harm our health and impair healing."

" And may we ever have joy and gratitude in our hearts that the Great Creator of all things, in His Love for us, has placed the herbs in the fields for His healing."
Heal Thyself by Dr. Bach

I encourage you to visit the website above and look into other resources on this topic. I am looking forward to having more conversations about the practical use of Bach Flower remedies. Outside of my POSTPARTUM plan for all 4 pregnancies, I have utilized them greatly in my every day life.


imagine Excellence Blog #5 Premature Baby instead of our planned Birthing Center delivery


with much love ~ Peace & Blessings

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