Valentine's dinner of 2020 was nothing less than wonderful.
Family gathered for another homemade meal, desserts and Hugs all around.
But amidst the Love affair is entangled torment . . .
As an all-American-Italian girl from the East Coast, I can humbly admit our family is not rid of conflict. <Laugh out loud!> We aim to "love one another, for love is of God", but definitely fall short of this glory. We do, however, spend the majority of our time in unity, harmony, and peaceful conduct.
The fact is, even happy, blissful environments
can be stressful.
If you've read a few of the recent imagine Excellence blog posts, you may have read about Bach flower remedies and how I used them during my pregnancies and for postpartum. They are completely safe for people of all ages and animals too! It sounds too good to be true for some. Please research them! There are many different sources. I believe, as I have seen for myself, there are way more opinions leaning in favor of them and their effectiveness. I like to say I am what I heard someone else call themselves, a "Citizen Scientist." I have very little college credits in the studies of Psychology, Communications and Early Childhood Education and certainly no diploma in the field of Homeopathy. What I do have is 11 years of my own experience using nothing but Homeopathics and Bach flowers to heal and support my family through any and all ailments.
(In a later post I will talk about my Mother's rehabilitation from a cerebrebellar hemorrahge (hematoma) / craniotomy / and 3 day coma as another example of using Homeopathy/Bach flowers)
Back to Valentine's Dinner . . .
We are extremely lucky to have a close relationship with both my Mother, who lives with us, and Omar's parents, who live only a few miles down the road. We typically share a family meal together a few times per month consisting of some of the most yummy, healthy foods one could ever hope for. And like I said, while there are some tense moments and some disagreements among us at times, our family dinners are fun, philosophical, relationship-growing experiences. Honestly, it gets loud. There can be many convo's going at once. Food being chopped and prepped and cooked. People getting excited and expressing the weeks challenges, hurdles and resolutions. It can be a lot. Even for those of us under 65.
Now, add the Grandchildren to the mix!
I was sitting at the table finishing up a conversation as my Father in Law was walking by. I stand to get up and walk behind him, but lo and behold, a child comes from out of nowhere, basically parkours over the couch right in front of Poppy, stopping him, and me almost running into the back of him. <AH!>
My Father in Law is so sweet and we gingerly moved through the moment, no big deal. He then pulls out of his pocket 2 remedies that he says he carries around in his pocket most of the time. He and my Mother in Law have been using homeopathics for over 40 years and these 2, he says, "are perfect for anyone at any age any time." I realized all at once how stress works. Not only does it come from the elements we call stressful (like traffic or not enough income) but it also comes, potentially increasingly as we age, from things like high energy in the room, loudness, too much happening at the same time ~ chaos!
Here they are ~ the TOP 2 Remedies for Senior Citizens
The Bach Flower Remedy Olive is for people experiencing tiredness and exhaustion after an effort of some kind, such as hard physical or mental labour, or the struggle against illness. Daily life is hard work for them and without pleasure.
This remedy may restore strength and the faith needed to continue an effort.
"The original Bach Flower Remedies" is a safe and natural method of healing discovered by Dr. Bach from 1920 – 1930’s in England. They gently restore the balance between mind and body by casting out negative emotions such as fear, worry, hatred and indecision which interfere with the equilibrium of the being as a whole. The Bach Flower Remedies allow peace and happiness to return to the sufferer so that the body is free to heal itself. The Bach Flower Remedies are made from wild flowers and are safe for the whole family including pets.
~link to info
Dr. Edward Bach wrote ‘Disease of the body itself is nothing but the result of the disharmony between soul and mind. Remove the disharmony, and we regain harmony between soul and mind, and the body is once more perfect in all its parts.’
The Bach Flower Remedy, Olive:
Helps you regain energy, vitality and interest in Life.
Arnica Montana
Arnica Montana is probably the most commonly used homeopathic medicine in the world. Arnica helps relieve muscle pain and stiffness due to injuries, overexertion, and falls, and can also help reduce pain, swelling, and discoloration from bruises.
In my favorite home resource, Homeopathic Medicine At Home by Maesmimund B. Panos, M.D. and Jane Heimlich, I read many stories shared having to do with the supernatural healing and results of Arnica. My own Mother In Law has had numerous occasions where Arnica brought forth what seemed like miraculous healing. I can attest as I have used it myself with my Mother's rehabilitation from Hematoma, 4 pregnancies, postpartum, any and all bumps, falls, and bruises of all four children. Namely, boys!
From the Resource above
is used for:
Bruising injuries to soft tissues
Injuries from blows, falls, or blunt objects
Shock from injury
Concussion of the brain
Eye injuries, black eye
Bleeding caused by injury
Promotes healing
Relieves soreness and bruised feeling
following childbirth, illnesses, fractures and surgery
Soreness after tooth extraction or dental
Sprains of joints,
"tennis elbow"
Helpful even in old injuries
Helpful with emotions revolving around injury
Suits the headache brought on by a blow or a fall and is characterized by a sore, bruised feeling anywhere in the head.
Homeopathy is greatly explained through many wonderful sources. The book I mentioned above is the one I refer to most often. I always learn something new, whether through reading or through practice and application.
Typically a homeopathic remedy is given in doses as close together as 15 minute intervals, 2-3 small tablets in a dose. You cannot overdose. There are no side effects. You will know to stop taking the remedy because you have little to no change in your symptoms within 12-24 hours of beginning the remedy. In which case you would try another remedy called for those symptoms. In this blog I am talking about basic aches, pains and stresses of life. If you have not tried Homeopathy, but have wanted to, Arnica is the BEST first remedy to purchase!
I highly recommend adding Homeopathic Medicine At Home to your book shelf. It teaches you so much about Homeopathy and how to use them.
I am not certified nor do I have a degree in this field.
I find it easiest to refer you to a solid resource!
Favorite Sites to Share
My Father in Law unintentionally inspired this blog post. My own Mother at 70 years old is also using these 2 remedies. It all aligned so well ~ the Love we were feeling at our family, Valentine meal, the high energy in the room made up of loud voices and boisterous play, and the wisdom shared by knowledge gained over decades. Our parents are an inspiration. They continue to persevere positively through life's challenges.
imagine Excellence Blog #11 ~ Sleep Deprivation / The Constant Commitment to Get Good Sleep
much love ~ Peace & Blessings
Bonus Material
You wanted to know about that Remedy Water, right?
Here's How To Make It:
1. Place one or two pellets of recommended remedy into 4 ounces or more of distilled or bottled water in a glass, or fill a bottle.
2. Allow the pellets to dissolve for 10 minutes.
3. Stir glass briskly for a moment w/ a spoon or shake your bottle.
4. Drink the water! ~You can create new Remedy Water over and over.